More to Come...
Chinese Chartreuse, Arabello,
Location: Computer Station
Classroom: Language Arts
Concept: Same as above, I worked to unite this concept in the two spaces to introduce circualtion into the classroom space.
There are several nook type spaces within the space. Relating back to the idea of the Zoning areas of the circulation spaces. There is also band of color coming into the room from the circulation zoning bridging the two together.
*The Computer station nook takes after directly from the zoning in the hallway becuse of the drop down lumicor tranparent panel lit from above as well as the wall and floor material color change. This is trying to make this feel like a seperate little room.
*The teachers desk is putting the teacher directly facing the students and in closer proximity to all the storage needs. There is also a desk where students can come and talk with the teacher one on one.
*The book casings connect this nook to the next which is the reading nook.
*The shelving that is coming away from the wall creates a private nook for students to study, read, or work on a group project. There is a fold down bench which can be put away when no in use to allow more room for desk in the space if needed.